Wednesday, 26 August 2009

archive 2.2

Here, but fucked on a sofa

Kissed your photo the other night and felt like the biggest loser. Will avoid you endlessly because of that

Fuck I blur

The worst thing is a boy pretending he wants a fight but letting himself be held back by his mates

I’m on the way to a seminar with the sexiest 50 year old ever. Literally two hours of trouser ripping education.

Probably the way I lost my virginity but we will not go there. Now make better use of that Imagination and pretend that’s me next to you and the coach is actually a grand, secluded, fur lined love nest

What happened to ‘finity’?

Was the man hailing Hitler or a cab?

Why don’t you impale your face on dirty glass embedded on top of a wall?

You’re my favourite

We are staying until you get here

I’ve got her crying about her feet and him whistling soul classics. I wish it were you

Trashy blond

Its mr dj

They’re both free when your flatmate has a job on a picking farm and is also an avid pill head

Your parents nearly ran me over, but I’m wearing a wig

In prison Keith Richards maintained a heroic detachment. ‘the food is awful, the wine list is terribly limited and the library is abysmal’

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

archive 2.3

Do you remember the police men and me?

I begged them to hand cuff me

Fuck them, they’ll die anyway. Blow the smoke into their disgusting little faces

Only just got on the bus. I feel fractured

I am mould

A song run of guilty of love, aerodynamic, layla and the bubble song-my ipod clearly has got your intoxication. It will become addicted like the rest of us.

Round part, inside, upstairs

His royal highnesses

I am making frittata and listening to the kinks

Just know that I heart you and can’t wait

L’amico e uno che sa tutto di te e nonostante questo gli piaci

Wish you were coming tonight. Big, awkward, unwanted hug

Spot on

Triple disappointment


What drugs are you on, exactly?

archive 2.4

We’ll leave together though?

I wanted to say you’re a big slag. We have to be buzzing like indie school rock kids, fucked on life

Pumping bass from a rickety beach bar as the sun goes down, peeling grapes before you eat them, climbing trees to read your book, eating a jalapeƱo pepper trying to keep a straight face, dancing in your underwear, listening to someone else’s music on the tube because its so loud. 11 days to go

You looked radiant earlier. Playing Moby in my heart

Come on you pussy, it's shit there

What a pair of texts to wake up to

A mouse wearing tights?

How tall are you in feet and inches?

I need to give a description of my number one, super beauty, love of my life in Spanish and I thought of you, not a carrot

archive 2.5

Slow poke

The chocolate fountain and fizzy bottles were the highlight

Jesus this is depressing

Any reason for sudden enthusiasm? I may have missed you a bit this week, but I’m not overly happy about it

Always so secretive with you

I feel I was a bit of a cunt, sorry


They know I don’t fit in. I’m tailing a man who smells like you. He’s strange, but I’m stranger

Ps. that message took 3 hours to send on my spontaneously turning off phone. That’s love

Monday, 10 August 2009

archive 2.6

There are cats in my hat

The Venus de Milo was noted for her charms, but strictly between us, you’re cuter than Venus and you have arms

I'll pretend I didn’t look

Stop the drugs, they steal your soul

God, can’t someone just want to see you

Rainbow cocktail

Well we will see what terms we are on

She has lots of famous sex quotes-my two favourite things

Good morning sunshine

If I cook pasta now can I eat it tomorrow for lunch?

Do it, we are besides ourselves

Don’t become aware of yourself and drill a hole in your head

Gay lord

Are you living? Where are you?

On the rocks, come

You are the sweetest most talented girl. A mother, father and brother couldn’t be more proud

20 black men 15p

Take me to lunch, I need hands

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Illiterate? Special? Troubled? Unikque? Dressed as a coca cola?

I wish I had Bernards watch

Can you radiocarbon date her?

My favourite eggshells are blue ones


Walking past the skate park reminds me of you

I just got back and have anchovies

Horrible wench

We are swinging from cats

Ill text you something vulgar in a bit

The vomitorium is lounging around with a book-he has invented a ‘new way of working’

Where you on drugs last night?

Now, lets keep this formal

archive 2.8

What the fuck are you talking about?

I’m nearly home sweet darling, apple of my eye. We’ll discuss it all softly

My heart bleeds without you

In my room speed dating

I’m standing underneath a flickering lamp post in the centre of Norwich clutching paper in each hand and my mouth, brow furrowed asking passers by to decide for your handwriting. More memorabilia

I can’t believe you still don’t know how to spell my surname

You disappoint me in not being here

I feel like a third wheel alone in my room

You have got to see the new hero on my wall

I just talked to the porter about vegiterorists

The roman punishment for killing your father was to be tied up in a sack with a wild dog, a live monkey, snake and cockerel and then thrown into the river Tiber