Wednesday, 13 January 2010

archive +2.7


Sorry I didn’t feel comfortable answering that question

Yeah, I thought about it but id rather not

Feel free to come up with another

I’m proud to be generous and sincere, but I wish I was less prone to insensitive comments and cleverer

Talk about leaving me out on a limb. Pretty harsh

I will be there

I got stuff to throw away. Is there anything you want? Lights. Desk. Books. Cushions. Ornaments

Texting in a car park or writing one word at every traffic light? He lives really near Paddington

Just remember agent orange. Chinese jacket in the wardrobe. Oh and dien bien phu

Cruising Streatham common for loving

Ok now its in capitals. IS EVERYTHING OK?

I’m going to pass tonight but save me one

Home wrecker