Tuesday, 24 November 2009

archive +2.0

Stop milking my affection

Why don’t you sleep on it? I have my reservations about late night texts

Well that will teach you to text when you’re drunk. Wear those glasses, no one will question a thing

It’s a good word. We should, weather permitting, spend the afternoon in the park tomorrow

Then don’t leave until he is laughing. It’s unfair

I hope you’ve escaped with some dignity

Fuck that shit. We’re funny as fuck. As fuck

Thanks for coming. I’m glad you still like me

I am

Friday, 20 November 2009

archive +1.9

My room is full off stuffstuffstuff everywhere. Rainforests of paper and menageries of things that I’m not sure I want to keep but don’t deserve the bin

I can’t give you that. Ill get a section four restraining order if I have to. Stay away from my children. Your sort make me sick

In fact I demand a more thorough analysis of your emotions. I’m going to keep you guessing about my availability because I like to tease

No I wasn’t and now you’re just being nasty so I don’t want to tell you

I don’t want any association with myspace. I will tell you once you remove it

I think I hate you, I feel abused. How could you do it to me? I thought we were fond acquaintances

Why the frustration?

Why wont you tell me?

Looking forward to it

You’ve threatened it so many times its lost all meaning

Sunday, 15 November 2009

archive +1.8

I thought I may stay home safe from rain and learn Elizabethan sonnets by heart

What are you doing?

Why don’t you just pick up your fucking phone instead of forcing me to send you these fucking messages.



Thank god

I’m there and can’t find anyone else fun

I’m a boy

I’ve never had any complaints

Reading about sewage and shopping for beds

More annoying things that I want you to do with me…

archive +1.7

I just got back from New York, I got sent over for a meeting. I’m going back on Wednesday

I just heard a chunky winky wail in the most awful fashion and thought she must be bleeding out of her eyes. Looked up and she was just happy. How sweet

I found a terrible one

The flowers go really well with my hay fever

But you don’t have to pay for it

In the middle of the night if it would help

Don’t go

Otherwise you will go and you wont be here

Go. I’m just being sentimental


You’ve got to go now because you wanted to and if you don’t it will be like you stayed because I wanted you to and awkward and oh we better have a good old time because she stayed everyon

Friday, 13 November 2009

archive +1.6

Actually I wouldn’t. Lets be friends for life. If you die first I want to eat some of your dead body

I want rock bulge sock in my greasy anal sock

That girl with a black mans face who said you should be a porn star actually has very nice legs

I fancy him

I don’t even know who this is


It was me and my sense of humour. Sorry

Do you even know who I am? It was me that called. I thought, if she gives me a pick up friend then I would have freaked her out. It worked

Are you coming?

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

archive +1.5

He is here. In Gaz’s. I’m sitting at his table and I just spoke to him. I have no words

When are you going to be asleep?

Bipedalism was a fundamental step in human evolution

(check for plagiarism)-fucker. Brilliant. Made my day

Oh so mysterious and perhaps enigmatic. A touch of schizophrenia. I’m sweaty

Do you have my essay on farming?

I just saw him for the first time since he dumped me. He came over and tried to have a ‘friendly’ chat with me in the middle of the rad cam. Smooth

Now he wants to have a coffee. Wanker

Oh yes oh yes. Whose cottage? What a fabulous idea

Because you’re my friend and I like you

Bloody rude

Far too honest, hit me to the depths of my soul. I’m in a huff. You can’t be too honest, unless it’s about money. I like honesty, intensity, whatever, thriving on your newfound embracing attitude, you dirty hippy. If you don’t say how am I supposed to know. I suppose I did know you didn’t want to talk to me recently. It made me feel all tingly and naughty inside, but now you’re back

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

archive +1.4

Soho. He was wearing shorts

Garlic and shots. Madame Jojos.

I love shorts. I was commenting on how cool he was. Totally unlike me

He makes me shudder

Don’t be shy give it a try. Don’t be posh give us your dosh

Get to work

All I can say is that you set the standards

15 or 20

That boy. We both know his name. You must accept. And bring your hottest friend. Marvellous

So, tomorrow is world naked bike ride day. Lets give up the clothes

No idea why would we?