I think you should write a book.
It’s the best idea I have ever had for you. Start with a brainstorm
I’m on an endless drive in Fulham. I think your circumstances may be preferable. No doubt you and your reflection are smiling
Cool your boots, find a neutral place, you’re just living in your essay and soon it will be dead
You MySpack. Do I not even warrant a cynical and inappropriately punctuated text? You sound sad. I hope you’re not entirely. There must be a little ray of sunshine even if it is my brother and it sits at home all day long thinking of you fondly and watching endless re-runs of match of the day. I’m on my way south with the entire contents of a florist pollinating on my fur jacket
Its already evening gone, its night, an awful night
Tipping the velvet
I can’t wake you. Your door is locked and your not picking up any phones. I tried