2am.come down because you didn’t come down last night. Fat Sam will be there
The young and lost
The boat doesn’t leave the mooring but I might not stay late because the Ludes are playing and I’m still avoiding certain peoples.
This is a whim
Don’t do drugs, do charity work, do exercise. Do help old people across the roads, do become the leader of a local scout group, do start a neighbourhood watch campaign, do get involved in Sunday school, do be a face in a local watering hole. The bar man knows your tipel-shandy for andy, only one as you head home early to write for your local newspaper about the environment. Do change your name to Andy, carefully pull the two layers of toilet roll apart so that you double the length of each roll. Budget precisely. Everybody has to be versatile
Is it voyeurism to read other peoples texts?
They were to you. This is a whim and the last one was. The long one to him was to him. But. it was whim that I sent it to you. I thought it was a good text. And. I know you appreciate good texts. And voyerism. I’m not sure I like these short sharp sentences with full stops. It reminds me of a serial killer. You’re a serial thriller
Dying and cycling in the middle of nowhere
I’m having a drink with her having been banned from my house. Join if you want
Under the blue man group in Drury lane. come come, I want to hear about him from last night
I think you wanted my dads number. Do you mind me asking who this is?
I got some real estate here in my hand. So I bought a pack of cigarettes