Monday, 1 March 2010

archive +3.8

I just got them. Read them out to shame you.

Terra cotta still rockin’?

If your asthma is bad ask her to be sent to Lisbon

Here is something that will cheer you up then: my friend fancies you. He asked to be your friend on myspace

Basically one night we met a lesbian in a suit and an offensively plunging neckline and she was being pimped by some gross skinny Italian man who you could just tell was a child molester. Apparently I spent a good half of the night grinding with her

I will borrow some money. Such a nice day. We found some bones. He came over with his beautiful smile. No kisses yet

What happened that led to your hospital fun?

They kissed four times on Saturday

How would you describe my hands?

So yeah how are you because I really miss you and can’t wait until we are together because I want to breathe with you and stuff like that

Sunday. Find a beach. We are leaving for the site tonight. I have your boots. And Jackie Collins